Secondary-structure of proteins and peptides is crucial for their function in living systems, in its undesired assembly being responsible for e. g. Alzheimer’s or Parkinsons’ disease.1 Within the DFG-funded collaborative research project SFB TRR 102 two projects deal with amyloid-proteins to understand and prevent disease-relevant aggregation via synthetic polymers, able to fold- and unfold during aggregation. Main aim is to understand, control, and inhibit fibrillation by concepts of polymer-science and a deeper understanding of the fibrillation processes. Concepts of synthetic chemistry are combined with proteins to generate hybrid-systems, able to fold and aggregate similar to the native peptide systems. Both, peptide- and polymer chemistry are researched in this area.

Synthesis via ring-opening (ROP) and ADMET-polymerization generates precision-hybrid-polymers consisting of polyamino-acids and repetitive middle segments displaying a defined flexibility/rigidity.2, 3 They allow to study refolding and cooperative phenomena, similar to protein folding and amyloid assembly.4-7 Recent activities are directed to understand the influence of distance, endgroups and numbers of the folding elements on the final three-dimensional structure of the assemblies. Photoswitchability,8 assembly with embedded constrained folding elements,2 and dynamic secondary structure-elements (such as beta-folds, alpha-helices)4, 6 were successfully introduced into the polymer chains, acting as biomimetics for larger proteins.4-7 Currently, the concept is extended onto polymer/amyloid-molecules to design, understand and influence the folding and aggregation pathways of new such detrimentally aggregating proteins.9, 10

Chirality is among the chemical principles required for life. We generate molecules with switchable chirality, where the transfer of chirality onto nonchiral side-chains is probed. As probed in helically chiral polymers,11, 12 the transfer of only one chiral group can have influence on many tens of monomers, linked into a polymer chain to yield either right- or left-handed helices, induced just by one chiral moiety.13 We employ precisely engineered polymers based on achiral polyisocyanides, polyisocyanates and achiral polyaminoacids to study the influence of a singular chiral-element embedded in the polymer chain. It demonstrates that only one single chiral moiety can display large chirality-transfer-effects, also termed chiral amplification, taken place presumptively in the early times of the universe. Recent work describes the effects of various head-groups together with an expansion towards induction of chirality in the solid state and the use of chiral induction in transistors.14
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